Quilting the Grid

January 26, 2012 § Leave a comment

Was I a quiltmaker and then I loved the grids? Or did I love the grids and become a quiltmaker? And I think the answer is yes.

The Metropolitan Museum of Arts’ archivist and media tech Robin Schwalb finds, as a quiltmaker, the rigorous limitations of grids liberating.  Click on the quilt to see her video:

In this video Robin mentions artist Paul Klee, aftering seeing his painting May Picture, she was inspired to make a quilt of it.

From his Magic Square series of oil paintings and watercolors, Klee fractures the landscape into squares. They are also related to his preoccupation with the laws of color, like Albers Homage to the Square series.  However unlike Alber, he has placed the colours side-by-side creating a different flow of movement across the canvas.

Here is another one of his paintings in which you can see trees painted amongst the squares of colour.

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