Go for it

February 25, 2012 § 2 Comments

This post is for me when in a few weeks time I have an inner meltdown and wonder what the hell I’m doing and why did I decide to do it.

A3 format

Go for it.

Yesterday student’s from last year came in to show us their finished SaTC books.  It was great to see the finished product and have a sense of what you can achieve.  I’d been pretty adamant thinking I’d do A4 format for purely pragmatic reasons – time, money, can print out dummy runs on my printer to see layout etc.  However ignoring everything practical – A3 is lovely.  Impressive.  White spaces!

Also it seems that this is the project to indulge and get the most out of an A3 format and it would be great shame not to have at least one A3 finished publication.   Yes it’s more challenging.  But to be honest I’m flying blind at the moment and A4 would be a challenge. So really what’s the difference when I don’t know any better.

Feel the fear and do it anyway :)

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